Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,rise up and walk…’ (Acts 3:6)
The crippled beggar was expecting the ordinary from Peter, a few coins, but God showed up and exceeded his expectation. The man didn’t see it coming, but that one moment of favor, that one exceeded expectation changed his whole world. He might be saying to himself, “I never dreamed I would be able to walk or work or be fulfilled this way!”
God has these ‘I never dreamed’ blessings in store for you. Similar to the crippled man, sometimes we’ve struggled in an area for long that we’ve gotten comfortable with it. We’re expecting a few coins, something just to sustain us, but God is about to do a new thing (Isaiah 40:19). You’re believing for the ordinary; God is going to do the extraordinary. He is going to take you where you’ve never been. Just stay to the faith and abide with Him. Do you know there is no limit to the things God has in store for you?
Too many times we come to God with a “just enough” mentality. I want to encourage you to take the limits off God and believe for more. Shake off the “just enough” mentality and start believing God for more than enough.
God Richly Bless You.